


The throat serves as a key pathway for both air and food, making it essential for breathing, swallowing, and speaking. With throat problems, several symptoms can take place, such as: difficulty swallowing, persistent soreness, voice changes affecting these critical  ‘life-giving’ activities. Infections, allergic reactions, and reflux can trigger throat issues, which can be further aggravated by environmental factors like pollution, smoking, or dry air. More complex conditions, such as vocal cord disorders or tumors, may also develop over time and require expert care. It is best to have regular consultations with an Ears, Nose, and Throat specialist to keep throat problems under control and have the causative factors treated before they get worse.

Common Causes of Throat-related Problems

pediatrician checking on tonsil problem of a kid
a woman working on desk with humidifier on for dry air

How to Avoid Common Throat-related Problems?

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